Ok guys, the website is now live, you can simply go on hyve. works and start playing around with it. Some quick notes.

20 Jul 2023, 07:25
Ok guys, the website is now live, you can simply go on hyve.works and start playing around with it. Some quick notes - you can already start posting digital items however they will be open to purchasing starting on Monday, 24th - there might be some slight issues still, most if not all of them will be fixed over the next few days, by the end of this week - we still have a lot of things we want to add. Moving forward, we will probably make a deployment every 2-4 weeks with improvements, bug fixes, and new features - this release has really been monumental work for us, we’ve rewritten 90%+ of the entire codebase, changed 100% of the design and overall implemented all the feedback we’ve received over the past 2 years With that said, we’ll be going to sleep for a bit now as it’s 1030am and we’ve been in the office all night preparing the release. I really hope you guys enjoy it and looking forward to hear your thoughts and feedback. Be gentle please as we’re still fixing some things this week but other than that, have fun, go and make some digital items and put them up for sale, create an offer or just hire somebody. There’s many more things still left for us to do in order to become the best platform in the space but I think we’re definitely on the right track! Lastly, thank you to everybody who believed in us and continues to do so. Your support has been appreciated and it’s one of the things that makes all these long nights worth it.