Ok that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for answering me that.

12 Dec 2022, 15:23
Ok that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for answering me that. Regarding fees, since we opened the topic and I still have many more announcements to make anyway, let me give everyone an update that I think you will enjoy. Since the end goal of HYVE is borderless, frictionless collaboration, we believe people using our protocol should pay low fees. For that reason, after experimenting for 1 year + with different fee models, we have arrived at a conclusion. The fee structure will work like this. Pay in HYVE -> 0. Period. 0 Pay in anything else -> flat 2.5% fee. That’s it. Pay in anything else BUT pay fee in HYVE -> flat 1.25% fee. This update will go live with the v2.5 deployment which includes a ton of other cool stuff. We can’t deploy it before then because it’s dependent on some other functionalities but it should be live in <6 months