Since the last 24 hours have been pretty chaotic in the space, I would like to address this with a few words.

09 Nov 2022, 13:26
Since the last 24 hours have been pretty chaotic in the space, I would like to address this with a few words. 1. I am really sorry for everyone that lost money due to this whole event. As an industry, we need to do better. 2. If not absolutely necessary, i.e. if you are not actively trading, don’t keep your money on exchanges. It’s happened before, it will happen again. It’s not even specific to crypto. 3. I want everyone to realise that when Terra went under, we kept building. When AC & Celsius went under, we kept building. Now, the same thing still holds true, we’ve actually just hired 2 new people. 4. Regarding the topic of sustainability, while HYVE as a platform does not yet generate meaningful revenue, because we love building products we have a smaller arm that does just that; build products. We only do this for companies we already know in the space. This, however, is enough for us to sustain ourselves and even grow for at least a couple years. 5. Even beyond point no.4, ignoring the balances we have to keep in coins such as uniswap liquidity, market making etc, our entire treasury is in usdt/usdc. We don’t stake it, we don’t lend it, we don’t try to find “productive opportunities” or any of those shenanigans. Our vision has stayed the same ever since we first started this project. We want to build a platform where people can collaborate regardless of race, color, sex, age or any other irrelevant metric when discussing work. Our initial objective also remains the same, getting to 1M users! Granted, it’s going to happen slower than we initially expected but however long the road may be, the destination is unchanged and I strongly believe that keeping an indomitable will of treading forward eventually brings you to said destination. PS: @Angelo_Van_Cotthem actually stopped by our office a few days ago to say hi so AMA request for Angelo haha