To give a general update.

01 Aug 2023, 20:48
To give a general update. For the next 45 - 60 days we are focused on fixing all remaining bugs on the platform as well as implementing the immediate feedback we have received from the community. Then we will enter Q4. In Q4 we will focus on adding some much needed features to the platform in order to improve the flow and functionality while overall making people’s lives easier. We are also adding changelogs soon, which means after every deployment there will be a changelog published detailing all the changes/updates we’ve made to the platform. Deployments will also be quite regular until the end of the year, from a minimum of every other day to a maximum of every few weeks. This will become easier to track with the changelogs as well. Moving beyond that, we are working in parallel on something special that we will announce in Q4 and that will most likely be launched in Q1 before the halving as we believe that to be an important component to making full use of the upcoming cycle. Lastly, we are also slowly starting to ramp up marketing and onboard new people on the platform. That’s about it, just wanted to give a quick rundown for everyone.